Filtering by: yoga

to Oct 11

Accessible Yoga Confrence Online

Carey is leading a practice session at this year’s AYC Online entitled “Moving with Compassion”

When inquiry and compassion are the foundations of our practice, the outcome of a shape or movement is not as important as what the technique reveals about our mind body relationship. My hope is for you to connect to more of yourself and the spaces around you in this practice session. I am not dogmatic about my personal practice and this will be reflected in my teaching methods. This practice is a combination of asana, gentle breath work, and mindful movement. As we put our bodies in different positions and move with intention, I will encourage you to become curious about the sensations and spaces that your body and breath are uncovering. Where is the resistance or relief? Where is the ease or discomfort? What places are off limits? What new places can be discovered? I simply wish to be the compass to your exploration and safely lead you to places of possibility. You decide what, if anything, you wish to investigate.

Check out the contributors and schedule here

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Chair Yoga Workshop
to Jun 30

Chair Yoga Workshop

Workshop Description:
It is often challenging to find safe and grounded practices for students with mobility or balance issues. In a traditional asana class, our typical starting point is standing, kneeling, or lying on a mat on the floor. Chair Yoga utilizes the same mind-body principles as mat practice but from the safety of a chair. Join Carey Sims for a workshop exploring the benefits of Chair Yoga. Learn how to offer your students grounding, spinal awareness, strength building, and ease in the body and breath through Chair Yoga.

What to expect:
- Practice Chair Yoga each day
- Explore ways to adapt asanas and breath work to make them accessible
- Discuss theming, cueing, and ways to approach your Chair Yoga classes
- Deconstruct asanas and discover how to get creative with postural modifications
- Learn from and share with your peers through small group teaching
- A handout with sequencing ideas, an overview of discussion points, and visual references for postures

Workshop Details:
-This workshop provides 12 Yoga Alliance accredited CEUs
-Saturday and Sunday 9-4
-Open to the public


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